Friday, February 3, 2017

Seven is heaven

Dear Hannah,

As I write this you are 7 years old and only getting bigger by the minute. I wish I had letters from the past 7 years to show you, but I only just got the idea this week. So here I am. 

From the day I saw the ultrasound when you were still inside my belly, I knew I loved you. 

From the moment I first saw your face, I knew that my life was changed. So tiny- (well actually big for a baby, but tiny compared to you today) yet you filled my heart with love. I never knew that one person could become your world until I met you. And just in the few weeks after first meeting you, my heart kept expanding and I knew that my love for you would never fail. 

It's true. I will always love you. 

No matter what you do or what you say or if you ever decide to turn your back on me, I will still love you. Unconditionally. 

Just this past month, you have become a reader. You don't know how happy that makes me to see you reading just like I do. Just like I have my entire life. I have always read to you and in the early days you loved books! As long as I would read, you would keep bringing them to me. The first book you were able to read was "Brown Bear" quickly followed by "The Three Snow Bears". But just this year, now that you are in 1st grade, you are reading chapter books! You will go on so many adventures in the books that you read. Anything can happen when you are reading a book. You can witness trolls battling or wizards racing on broomsticks. You can meet fairies and travel to every part of the world. You can learn about animals and world history. Books are your eyes into the world. I hope your love of reading only continues to grow, but if it fades, always know that you can always come back to them when you have more time. 

Lets talk some more about you. What is Hannah like these days? Well you love art, you are an excellent bracelet maker. You collect small toys called Shopkins and Littlest Petshop and Tsum Tsums. You love collecting "treasures" anywhere we go and keeping them in jars. Boxes and bins and purses and bags are all over your room holding all of the things you hold dear. Your favorite color is purple  and I always tease saying that you only say that because my favorite color is purple. 

Just this morning you were saying that I am your best friend. You don't realize how happy that makes me to hear you say that. It overflows my bucket to hear those words from you. Even though you are growing, you are in many ways still my baby. You still give me lots of hugs and kisses when I drop you off from school. You aren't afraid to run to me and scream "Mommy!" when I see you at the end of the day. 

You are thoughtful and kind. You are friends with everyone- even as a baby you never met a stranger. You would wave to people as we passed them in the grocery store. You would yell out the window to people when we were at a stop sign. I remember how you used to love when I pulled up next to a motorcycle. You would have conversations with those people. Strangers, yet to you, they were your next new friend. 

I love your spirit. You always know just how to act. At such a young age, you already are able to tell when a situation calls for you to be quiet or active. You understand that there are times when we have to be serious- and you are without any hesitation. You just know and act how you are expected to. 

Just this past schoolyear (and we are not even halfway through) you have won the Golden Eagle award at your school. That is the highest achievement. Not only that, but (allow me to brag a bit) you received reading awards, a music award and a writing award. I can't even put into words the pride I feel for you on a daily basis. 

I have to go now, but I will write more soon. And hopefully, one day, you will read these letters and remember all of the good times that we had. I hope you cherish them forever just as I have cherished you- my first baby. 
